Kinda disappointing.
Not much replay value to be in this game as opposed to their other stellar titles.
Im a fan of kairosoft. (Bought every game except the soccer franchise.) To such dedication, nearly every review of their titles has been a 4 star. Rarely should a game receive 5 star unless its flawless. (Extremely rare, yknow.)
The gameplay is simple, yet confusing at the same time.
I dislike that once you create a floor, its permanent. No paying bearington construction to remodel. Your just simply stuck with it. And every article of clothing requires to spend medals on it. Another mind blowing, dumb idea is spending the medals on your employees.
So your stuck either with getting new clothes or leveling employees which cost alot of medals to consider.
So there are a few mechanics of the game I disagree with.
The fixated camera angle, unable to enlarge or make smaller screen.. No can do here.
There is very little innovation to be found in this game.
Same format. Same cutesy graphics. Match clothes > fixtures > unlock employees > unlock new customers. Which found in the other "compatibilities" titles such hot springs story, edo towns, etc.
Slightly laggy gameplay. (Its minute, but noticable.)
I just couldnt wait to finish this game, just to say I completed.
QuiteRightLv about
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